
29 April 2015

some boring coord photography

Hello sweeties.

Today I just wanna show you some coord pictures. I tried to buy more classic dresses but I've end with more sweet lol. I am still waiting for my Salon de thé rose OP in pink by Angelic Pretty and I already got some items from Tenshishop.
I can highly recommend their service, I was always kept up to date and got all the items I wanted without any custom fees.

First of all a picture of my two beauties. They are from the Romantic Rose Letter series from Angelic Pretty, on the ride side the JSK in pink and on the left side the Special OP in lavender. The last one has been my dream dress for an eternity and I'm super happy that I finally own it thanks to another german Lolita. Life seems to be quite boring after getting your dream dress ... that means that I need another dress for hunting after. I'm still searching for the Fragrant Rose Memories JSK in ivory by Btssb but the last auctions ended up with ~ 1.200 USD and I only cried for 10 days lol.

Milky Cross - finally! I cannot believe that there is still such a great demand for this series. I really hoped that they would release a special set with shirring but today I've heard about AP's new print Shadow Dream Carnival. The print looks like Milky Cross and Twinkle Carnival having cute babies. I already claimed a spot for the JSK in white and pink. My poor wallet.
Okay, let's stick to Milky Cross. It was altered by a seamstress and now fits my 100cm bust. I am very happy with the result because you cannot the the alteration at first sight.

Close-up of the neclace. Yeah, I've paid around 40 USD for a piece of plastic again. And I love it. First I was like "It looks like crap on the stock pictures" but the jewleries are cute irl.

Another print I didn't paid attention to for a long time. But since I started buying more pieces from Btssb and AatP I've came to the decision that I need this print. And I found it on mbok for 150 USD with barrete. Combined with my AP blouse and tights it looks so good. Still need a parasol in ivory.


Close-up pics.

Next time I'll show you my coords for a big event in Hamburg - The Grant Lolita Tea Party hosted by Lockshop wigs!

24 Januar 2015

When your Shopping Service becomes the love of your life

Hello again, sweeties.

I don't really want to hide this fact but my Shopping Service Chika did an amazing job and got me this stunning set:

Most of you will know the name of AP's latest print: Milky Cross. I didn't even believe that I would get the the whole set in lavender. I wrote some comments on "Lolita Updates" on facebook and most of the girls were like "I need it in lavender!" "I hope my SS will get one in lavender!" and so on.
I realised that I had no chance. Chika even wrote me if I'm still interesed in headbow or tights if she couldn't get the jsk.
And then ... it was like half past 6 in the morning I woke up because my mobile phone vibrated. I saw the mail from Chika with the subject "About Milky Cross", I opened the mail and she told me that she got ALL THE ITEMS. Milky Cross was sold out in nearly 15 minutes, the website crashed a few times but my SS was able to get the whole set.
Now I can die happily. ♥

January Shopping Haul

Hello sweeties.

The first month of the year is almost over and my wardrobe gets bigger and bigger. My wallet says "no" but I was too weak. I don't regret anything. Today I want to show you new items I got from my Shopping Service Chika and from an auction on lacemarket.

1.) Wonder Queen Bustier Jsk Set

It's no secret that I am absolutely in love with AP's "Wonder Queen" series. I've owned the princess sleeves OP in black but had to sell it because it became way too small for me (I gained about 10 kilogram in the past year. Now I want to loose it, I'm not feeling comfortable anymore...).
I felt that I cannot live without having this print so I decided to buy the bustier JSK, my first color choice was black, too but I ended with navy which is also pretty awesome because it's my first dress in navy.

I bought the jsk, headbow, tights and brooch in navy. I tried to coord the dress with a white and black blouse, black looks better imo. But I'm not really satisfied so I told my SS to buy me a navy cutsew from AP. You can see a picture of it at the bottm of this post.

Detail shot of the brooch:

2.) Melty Royal Chocolate Jsk Set

My wardrobe told me that I definitely need another chocolate print. So I started searching on various websites and ended with a whole set of MRC!

I got the jsk, barrette and tights in mocha as well as the coat from Melty Chocolate series. The fabric of the jsk is very thick so I only might wear this dress in autumn or winter. Unfortunately I bought the jsk in size M ... and I really need size L. I already started a WTT post on a Lolita sales page on facebook. I have two options: loosing weight or getting the bigger size. Well ...

Detail shot of the ruffles on the skirt:

3.) Last Note - Faint Spring Song JSK I with Bonnet

This dress just became one of my favorites! I saw it on mbok for only 15.000 ¥ and I even was the only one who bade on it! The auction showed the stock pic of the jsk and bonnet in blue. I always wanted to have the dress in ivory or pink but hey, this was cheap as hell!
While unboxing the package of my Shopping Service I realised that the set itself wasn't blue but ivory! I am so happy about this little "accident".

It is so beautiful. I did a coord with my new tights from AP and the blouse of Day Dream Carnival series. I totally love the combination of ivory and lavender! The jsk has perfume bottles in lavender so it definitely matches very well.
It's also another classic Lolita dress for me! Actually it hangs next to my Ave Maria jsk. Both dresses have such a light fabric and look stunning.

Detail shot of the shining fabric:


4.) Currently waiting for:

Navy cutsew for my Wonder Queen coord. Still availabe on japanese AP site.

See you soon. ♥