
29 April 2015

some boring coord photography

Hello sweeties.

Today I just wanna show you some coord pictures. I tried to buy more classic dresses but I've end with more sweet lol. I am still waiting for my Salon de thé rose OP in pink by Angelic Pretty and I already got some items from Tenshishop.
I can highly recommend their service, I was always kept up to date and got all the items I wanted without any custom fees.

First of all a picture of my two beauties. They are from the Romantic Rose Letter series from Angelic Pretty, on the ride side the JSK in pink and on the left side the Special OP in lavender. The last one has been my dream dress for an eternity and I'm super happy that I finally own it thanks to another german Lolita. Life seems to be quite boring after getting your dream dress ... that means that I need another dress for hunting after. I'm still searching for the Fragrant Rose Memories JSK in ivory by Btssb but the last auctions ended up with ~ 1.200 USD and I only cried for 10 days lol.

Milky Cross - finally! I cannot believe that there is still such a great demand for this series. I really hoped that they would release a special set with shirring but today I've heard about AP's new print Shadow Dream Carnival. The print looks like Milky Cross and Twinkle Carnival having cute babies. I already claimed a spot for the JSK in white and pink. My poor wallet.
Okay, let's stick to Milky Cross. It was altered by a seamstress and now fits my 100cm bust. I am very happy with the result because you cannot the the alteration at first sight.

Close-up of the neclace. Yeah, I've paid around 40 USD for a piece of plastic again. And I love it. First I was like "It looks like crap on the stock pictures" but the jewleries are cute irl.

Another print I didn't paid attention to for a long time. But since I started buying more pieces from Btssb and AatP I've came to the decision that I need this print. And I found it on mbok for 150 USD with barrete. Combined with my AP blouse and tights it looks so good. Still need a parasol in ivory.


Close-up pics.

Next time I'll show you my coords for a big event in Hamburg - The Grant Lolita Tea Party hosted by Lockshop wigs!

1 Kommentar:

  1. Milky cross looks so pretty! I really want the JSK in black ^_^

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