
22 März 2014

Review Infanta "Cinderella".

Let's start with my second dress: the new Cinderella themed JSK by Infanta. My very first lolita dress was by Infanta (Sleeping Beauty, I still own it) and it's my favorite indie brand.

I only purchased the JSK because the day I ordered there were no head accessory availabe. But it's no problem since I bought a elegant rose headdress at

The dress is longer than all my other dresses, maybe because I chose size XXL. It fits perfecty, I can breathe easily (not possible in my Wonder Queen OP x__x). It's nearly too big but there is shirring at the back.

As you can see the dress is longer than normal lolita dresses. But it also has some large lace. I think the lenght is perfect for some classic inspired coords and shootings ♥

I removed the small red ribbons on the chest because their quality was ... not the best. But the big ribbon is great, not too stiff and has a good form.

I truly adore the print of "Cinderella". There are 3 different pictures. In the first one Cinderella is sewing her prom dress, then she meets the prince and the last one is when the prince puts the glass shoe on the foot of Cinderella.
First I was a bit afraid that the dress would be alike my Snow White dress (Infanta) but they really look different.

Infanta used some big lace and a row of chiffon to end the dress. I don't know if I should like or dislike the lace. It's okay but has some good quality.

Next time I'll present you a dress I ordered this morning: the "Fantasy Theater" set by Angelic Pretty! ♥

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hello! Thank you for the review. If it's not too much trouble would you be able to tell me what the absolute max bust size is that this can stretch to? Are Infantas measurements accurate? Thank you!
